Category: E-Poster

Changes in substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal analysis of risk behavior and mental health of MSM using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis
Babette Lea Winter, Frédérique Hovaguimian, Roger D. Kouyos, Axel Jeremias Schmidt, Enos Bernasconi, Dominique Braun, Alexandra Calmy, Julia Notter, Marcel Stoeckle, Bernard Surial, Vanessa

Youth’s and practitioners’ perspectives on peer support and the role youth peer helpers surrounding cannabis use problems
Mathieu Goyette, Marianne Saint-Jacques, Myriam Laventure, Jorge Flores-Aranda, Anne Guichard, Valérie Aubut, Marie-Anik Blanchet-Gagnon, Iris Bourgault Bouthillier, Karine Bertrand

Medium-term outcomes and risk factors for methamphetamine-induced psychotic disorders: a prospective cohort study among people who inject drugs in Haiphong, Vietnam.
Philippe Trouiller, Mai Le Sao, Huong Duong Thi, Oanh Khuat Thi Hai, Khue Pham Minh, Roselyne Vallo, Delphine Rapoud, Catherine Quillet, Thuy Linh Nguyen, Quang Duc Nguyen, Tuyet Thanh Nham

Prevalence of HCV infection in vulnerable populations: DETECT-C program a real contribution to hepatitis C elimination in these groups in Spain
Francisco Pacual, Marta Pastor, Federico García, Juan Jesús Ruiz, José Manuel Fernández- Fernández, Marinela Méndez, Magdalena Rueda, Cristina De Alvaro, Benjamín Climent

How hair keeps track: Associations between hair concentrations of psychoactive substances and steroid hormones in a large cohort sample of young adults in Switzerland
Lydia Johnson-ferguson, Lilly Shanahan, Josua Zimmermann, Laura Bechtiger, Annekatrin Steinhoff, Markus Baumgartner, Tina Binz, Denis Ribeaud, Manuel Eisner, Boris B. Quednow

COVID-19 pandemic urges patients under buprenorphine and methadone maintenance treatment to craving and to parallel illicit drug use
Alexandra Katsouli, Anna Karasavidou, Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Vasilios Stauropoulos, Elena Batsiari, Sotiris Tasoulis, Petros Barmpas, Aristidis Veskoukis, Maria Tsironi, Christonikos

COVID-19 pandemic induces severe impact on substances administration and on aspects of psychosocial life of patients under methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment
Vasilios Stavropoulos, Anna Karasavidou, Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Alexandra Katsouli, Sotiris Tasoulis, Petros Barmpas, Nektaria Alexopoulou, Aristidis Veskoukis, Maria Tsironi, Christon

COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected several aspects of quality of life of patients with substance use disorders under medication-assisted treatment with methadone and buprenorphine
Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Alexandra Katsouli, Vasilios Stavropoulos, Anna Karasavidou, Sotiris Tasoulis, Ioannis Nellas, Aristidis Veskoukis, Maria Tsironi, Christonikos Leventelis

Acceptance-based, intersectional stigma coping intervention for people with HIV who inject drugs – an RCT in St. Petersburg, Russia
Sarah Rossi, Jason Luoma, Yuliia Sereda, Nikolai Pavlov, Olga Toussova, Marina Vetrova, Sally Bendiks, Tetiana Kiriazova, Evgeny Krupitsky, Dmitry Lioznov, Elena Blokhina, Sara Lodi, Karsten

Effectiveness of a standalone telephone-delivered intervention for reducing problem alcohol use: a randomized clinical trial
Dan I Lubman, Jasmin Grigg, John Reynolds, Kate Hall, Amanda L Baker, Petra K Staiger, Jonathan Tyler, Isabelle Volpe, Peta Stragalinos, Anthony Harris, David Best, Victoria Manning

A prospective study of retention in opioid agonist treatment and contact with emergency healthcare following release from prisons in Victoria, Australia.
Michael Curtis, Paul Dietze, Anna Wilkinson, Ashleigh Stewart, Stuart Kinner, Reece Cossar, Emily Nehme, Shelley Walker, Tony Butler, Campbell Aitken, Karen Smith, Mark Stoové

The Clinical Course of Comorbid Substance Use Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Protocol and Clinical Characteristics of the INCAS Study
Christoffer Brynte, Myriam Aeschlimann, Csaba Barta, Alex Hendikus Abraham Begeman, Amanda Bäcker, Cleo Lina Crunelle, Constanza Daigre, Laura De Fuentes-Merillas, Zsolt Demetrovics, Geert D

A Realist synthesis of service models and systems for CO- existing serious mental health and substance use conditions
Jane Harris, Sonia Dalkin, Lisa Jones, Tom Ainscough, Michelle Madden, Alex Copello, Angela Bate, Gail Gilchrist, Emma Griffiths, Harry Sumnall, Charlotte Walker, Luke Mitcheson, Elizabeth Hu